meet our staff

ps. anthony powell
lead pastor
Pastor Anthony is the founding Pastor of Redeemed Life Church Azusa and is passionate about seeing lives transformed by the saving POWER of Jesus Christ!!! He is SOLD OUT for the local church, believing that there’s “nothing like the Church when the Church is being the CHURCH!” After years in the entertainment industry as an actor, he felt called into ministry and received his Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from Azusa Pacific University. For thirteen years he served in a thriving ministry in Hollywood leading in Pastoral Care, Celebrate Recovery, Men’s Ministry, and New Believers ministry. He then felt God calling him to step out of the boat and start the church that God had put in his heart many years ago. A church where everyone was welcome regardless of the mistakes and sins of their past! A church that would allow him to share his testimony freely and allow God to do His work through him as an example of a life REDEEMED! Pastor Anthony is committed to making church fun and has found a way to creatively intertwine his Entertainment experience into church! He is currently finishing his Doctorate in Ministry degree and is a lover of his wife Pastor Bonnie as well as his Triplets; Lil’ Anthony, Alannah, and Leilani. And on Aug 9th of 2021 the Powell family welcomed Isla Xiomara to the crew! At 8lbs and 6 ounces, this miracle baby girl has brought spunk to the family! C’mon 6 pack Powell’s!!! Pastor Anthony is also a cheese FANATIC! No seriously…a cheese platter ranks right up there with an all-inclusive cruise to Jamaica. Well…sort of. Aside from serving at RLC, Ps Anthony can be found teaching Hip Hop classes throughout LA and embarrassing his kids on Social Media. Real Talk!

ps. bonnie powell
executive pastor
Pastor Bonnie was born and raised in East Los Angeles to hard-working immigrant parents who taught her to be passionate about EVERYTHING and go after all that God created her for! She preaches with an “Ain’t nobody got time for that” approach focusing on speaking the truth in love and bringing the bible to life! She’s been in vocational ministry for over 17 years and previously worked for non-profits in Skid Row and in the Hollywood legal entertainment sector.
She has a Bachelors in Broadcast Journalism from Chapman University, Bachelors in Business Law from UWLA, and a Masters in Organizational Leadership in Ministry from Azusa Pacific University. She married her college sweetheart, Pastor Anthony, and had TRIPLETS somewhere along with way (it’s been a long life y’all)! And on Aug 9th of 2021 the Powell family welcomed Isla Xiomara to the crew! At 8lbs and 6 ounces, this miracle baby girl has brought spunk to the family! C’mon 6 pack Powell’s!!! Ps Bonnie is crazy passionate about encouraging people to live their best life for Jesus and she carries Tapatio hot sauce everywhere she goes! For real though!

ps. mark fierro
pastor of church management
Pastor Mark, a native of SoCal and diehard Dodger fan, is a redeemed man after God’s own heart. After stepping foot into RLC in 2016, he knew God had called him to something greater than himself. He hasn’t left RLC since!
He loves his wife Amanda and they dream of starting a family and traveling the world together.
He has a passion for helping men find sobriety and recovery through Jesus Christ. His hobbies include reading the Bible, eating fish tacos, and Bitcoin.
You will never meet anyone else who smiles as much as this guy or says BOOM and PRAISE JESUS!

ckira wikoff
kid's ministry director and administrative assistant to executive pastor
Ckira has always loved to serve the Lord by working with kids! She grew up in Central California as a pastor’s kid and the youngest of 4. After moving to Azusa to study elementary education at Azusa Pacific University, Ckira began attending RLC and began volunteering in kid’s ministry shortly after. She got more and more involved at RLC until the pandemic caused her to return home. But the calling to RLC never left her, and she was eventually able move back to Azusa. Ckira has fallen more and more in love with leading kids to Christ. She has completed her teaching credential but pursues the ongoing call to educating children in ministry rather than in the traditional classroom.
Ckira’s hobbies include: spending time with friends, spoiling her 7 nieces and nephews whenever she gets the chance, and nerding out over movies, tv-shows, music etc. She is so grateful for the community she has found here at Redeemed Life Church. Ckira is overwhelmingly joyful to have the opportunity to bless our church through the kids and families of RLC!

kadin ortiz
tech director
Kadin Ortiz serves as the Tech Director at RLC, where his love for God fuels his passion for creating meaningful worship experiences through technology. He joined the staff in 2024, bringing with him professional experience from the film industry and live events. Since 2017, Kadin has been attending and serving at RLC, committed to using his skills to glorify God and support the worship team. Outside of the church, Kadin serves as the Stagecraft Teacher and Technical Director at Glendora High School Drama Department, mentoring students to become creative leaders. His dedication to excellence reflects his desire to honor God in all he does.

nathan duran
administrative assistant to lead pastor
Nathan is a man after God’s own heart! He seeks to advance the Kingdom of God as he makes the name of Jesus known through his worship, testimony, and service. When he is not actively serving the Church, he enjoys life with his wife Nicole. She is a pure-hearted woman who lights up every room she enters!
Nathan also has a DEEP love for music! His time in the Recording Technology Program at Citrus College blessed him with wisdom that shaped his creativity. With a heart for worship and a gift for music, his dream to change the world one song at a time has become a reality.
The incredible honor of being an assistant to Lead Pastor Anthony Powell has also been a life-changing blessing. This responsibility has transformed Nathan and fuels his love for God’s people. He is committed to reaching the lost, loving the brokenhearted, and caring like our Savior!

amanda fierro
events director
Amanda Fierro is a Northern California native and a woman after God’s own heart. While attending Azusa Pacific University, she met Pastors Anthony and Bonnie Powell and instantly fell in love with the mission of RLC. After graduating from APU in 2015 with a B.A. in Communication Studies, God put it on her heart to make SoCal her permanent home where she continued to serve at RLC and eventually met her amazing future husband, Ps. Mark Fierro. She also graduated from Azusa Pacific University in 2018 with an M.S. in Organizational Psychology.
Amanda is passionate about encouraging and building up women and wants to see everyone love each other like Christ.
She also has a passion for learning, keeping others organized, and spreadsheets! When Amanda isn’t serving, she enjoys spending her free time with her hubby, reading, and can be found at any bookstore!

mic & emily king
celebrate recovery ministry leaders
Mic and Emily King lead as our Ministry Leaders for Celebrate Recovery at RLC, and where they focus their passion for leading others into a closer walk of freedom in Jesus through this ministry.
Emily also serves with events, Soul Sisters, and pretty much anywhere needed. But her primary passion for the kingdom is to help women become their best selves through a life of recovery freedom.
When they’re not putting in work for the Church, you can find King running his business or learning something new, Em playing brain games or watching Marvel movies, or both of them doing all of the above with their two little beautiful humans, Hendrix and Anaya.

grace curtis
finance & business manager
Grace Curtis, a Southern California native, has been a member of Redeemed life church since 2016 and has served on several teams including the Tech Team, Soul Sisters, and Online Ministry Team.
Raised by a fervent God-fearing grandmother, who embodied a Proverbs 31 woman, Grace has deepened her faith through participation and leading of life changing life groups with Redeemed Life Church. Grace’s grandmother gave love and warmth to everyone who crossed her path, leaving an imprint and longing on Grace’s heart to find the same display of God’s love so effortlessly shared by her grandmother.
Grace holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Human services with a passion to use that knowledge in running a business while caring for the hearts of God’s people.
Just as everyone else, Grace’s life drastically changed during the pandemic, allowing her time to slow down and listen to God’s direction. We are thrilled to have Grace as part of the Redeemed Life Church team! We are confident, as is she, that her corporate experience will be useful in working for the kingdom of God!